Who is Kasho? - An introductory note by a friend

Who is Kasho? - An introductory note by a friend

Beyond etiquette, she’s taught me how to live a happy and fulfilled life

Beyond etiquette, she's taught me how to live with happinessa and fulfilled life

Kasho is the type of person who will make you happy just by being around her. She makes me feel positive toward living.

Nowadays, one can easily find information and learn about modern etiquette through books , internet, or various classes. However, it is very difficult to comprehend and master the essential meanings of modern etiquette. Kasho has passionately taught me the roots of etiquette from various points of view, and she has therefore not only taught me etiquette, but also how to think about life as oneself.

Due to her skill and high caliber, Kasho became an IEMOTO for the Kyoto Tateshina Style at a very young age. However, due to various challenges in her personal life which she was required to overcome, Kasho was unable to fulfill her mission to spread Kyoto Tateshina Modern Etiquette. Finally, after long years of hardship that she is once again, as an IEMOTO, able to return to work. I feel very strongly that the struggles she experienced in life, gave her the strength to fully teach and pass on her knowledge of tradition and the essence of human nature, in words that reaches to peoples heart.

Tax Account Corporation, Kudan Tax Office
Koji Takagi

She pleasantly embodies the “root of manners”

The only information I had prior to meeting Kasho was that she is a "manners teacher". What kind of image do you have when you hear the words "manners teacher"? Is it someone who is rigid or someone who is strict? I know that it is disrespectful, but that is how I had pictured her. I remember I approached her nervously as I did not want to come off as being rude. However, I soon realized that I did not need to worry and my anxieties had disappeared.

Kasho welcomed me very warmly and was very easy to talk to; in which I had a very comfortable and pleasant time with her. In my following visitis, Iwe talked about our family and our daily life and often ended up staying longer than I expected.

One day, I read a phrase regarding to "The roots of manners" on Kasho's website and was astonished. It said that the roots of manners is "form your heart from the following practices, to one another; to have trust and faith in each other; to have wisdom to live with a positive state of mind; to look out for each other; to be considerate: to have compassion."

I felt extremely happy that I had tounconsciously experienced the "roots of manners". I believe that the comfortableness I felt around Kasho was all due to the reasons set out above. She is an incredible individual who makes me think I would like to see and speak to her again, from the bottom of my heart. I meet many people daily, for whom I am ,thankful; however I firmly believe that my encounter with Kasho is the most exceptional of all.

Judicial Scrivener’s Office Honest
Representative Judicial Scrivener
Kenji Oshida

My wife paves her own way

As her husband, I wish to be able to provide insight to Kasho's personality.

18 years ago, my wife moved into a place where she knew no one so Ishe could support my dental clinic.

Soon she gave birth to our two children and raised them, at the same time; she went to see her ailing mother and brother pass away without borrowing anyone's help. Back then, she was making a trip back and forth once a month to support her family back in Okinawa. Our two children were born in a consecutive year,

and Kasho was unable to sleep much due to them crying through the night and having to get up for night-time feedings.However, my wife carried the weight by herself, all the while, still making her monthly trips back home. I myself was very busy with my work, and my wife was even busier but overcame the hardship.

My father in law, Hajime was the man who named Okinawa's Kokusai Dori (International Road) and is famously regarded as being the man who reconstructed post-war Okinawa. Due to this, many people surrounding him were envious of what he had. When he suffered a stroke, many people turned their backs on him and my wife therefore experienced something most people would never experience in their lives. For three years since my father-in-law collapsed, Kasho was tend him her father round the clock without getting much sleep herself,

What followed was still worse. Hher three brothers and mother also suffered the same disease and she had to send them all off to heaven in few years of time. I believe my wife is able to provide support to individuals on how to get through life as she has been through the inevitable pain and suffering which comes within life.

I believe that Kasho will be able to shed some light on your soul.
Association of Health-care Corporations
Mizuho-dai Dental Clinic
Administrative Director and Clinic Director
Hideki Ayabe